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Life lessons

30 short meditations for daily life

  1. Focus on what’s within your control, let go of what isn’t.
  2. Keep company with only those who uplift you.
  3. What happens to you is not always your fault but it is still your responsibility.
  4. Maintain your childlike curiosity about the world.
  5. Don’t rush, but don’t wait.
  6. Practice moderation in all things, avoid extremes.
  7. Look for the magical in ordinary things.
  8. We will always have problems. Learn to enjoy life while solving them.
  9. Practice the pause as often as possible in conversations and conflict.
  10. People are often projecting – don’t take things too personally.
  11. You can change almost any situation by changing the way you think about it.
  12. “If you have something to prove to someone you’re still a prisoner.”
  13. What triggers you, controls you. Heal.
  14. Done is better than perfect.
  15. People pleasing means you’re not pleased with yourself.
  16. Their perception of you is none of your business.
  17. You’re not obligated to put up with anything that constantly diminishes you.
  18. You will always have three choices in any circumstance: You can change it, you can accept it or you can leave it.
  19. You can never be lonely if you learn to belong to yourself.
  20. Progress + consistency over perfection.
  21. Ask yourself at every moment – is this necessary?
  22. If it is humanly possible, you can probably do it.
  23. The more seriously you take yourself the sadder you will be.
  24. When you see something you appreciate in someone, tell them.
  25. Do the more difficult thing first.
  26. Observe what you can learn from every person you meet – even those you don’t like.
  27. Communicating especially when it’s uncomfortable can save relationships.
  28. Rise – again and again and again.
  29. Nothing is yours really and everything is temporary.
  30. “Respect one rule – never lie to yourself.”

Books by Selfwork Co

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