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5 forms of emotional nourishment

  1. Nature

The most powerful cure and comfort for loneliness, fear or overwhelm of any kind is outside, under the sun, is nature.

Some ways to stay close to nature:

  • Walk barefoot when you can & feel the ground 
  • Laugh and play outside 
  • Get daily sun exposure on your body 
  • Eat whole and organically grown foods
  1. Friendships

The kind where you can tell them your truth without flinching; where you have no doubt about how much you are loved; where you know that they will always be rooting for you.

Some ways to deepen friendships:

  • Take an interest in their interests 
  • Disagree well 
  • Make the time to nurture them the way you would with a significant other 
  • Speak well of them in their presence as well as absence
  1. Meditation or Mindfulness

The most effective tool for self-healing. Meditating or practicing mindfulness for even a few minutes each day can make you feel more centered, balanced and in control.

Some ways to be more mindful:

  • Focus on your breath 
  • Feel the sensations in your body 
  • Single-task and give it your full attention 
  • Chew your food slowly and enjoy it 
  • Name 3 things you can see, smell, taste, touch and hear
  1. Words of care & appreciation

Even a few thoughtful and genuine words of appreciation (for yourself and others) can make it all better.

Some ways to appreciate a loved one:

  • Keep it simple 
  • Be specific (by mentioning an action or quality you love about them) 
  • Do it often
  1. Books & Podcasts

The most accessible way to learn from the greatest teachers, mentors and people with a growth mindset. There’s content everywhere – how you choose to engage with it makes all the difference.


  • The Tim Ferriss Show (podcast) 
  • Unlocking Us by Brene Brown (podcast) 
  • TED talks The School of Life (YouTube)

Keywords: emotional nourishment, emotional health, emotion, wellness, mental health, self-care, self-care tips, mental health, emotional balance, positive affirmations, healing, emotional health, emotional intelligence, self-compassion, inner peace, self-reflection, mindfulness, self-awareness, self-expression, self-discovery, emotional intimacy, positivity, positive mindset, holistic

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