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Life lessons

5 ways to stay productive and well-rested

  1. Have no more than three most important tasks each day. Complete the hardest task first.
  2. Try to do more ‘walk and talk‘ meetings. It increases energy, relieves stress and produces better ideas.
  3. Single-task instead of multitasking. Limit yourself to one screen and close all unrelated tabs.
  4. Work in  Pomodoro sprints. Eg: For every 30 min or 1 hour of work take a 5 or 10 min break.
  5. Fill in the blank every day: If I do only this __________ today will be a good day.

Keywords: productivity, work, rest, relationships, communication, emotional manipulation, inner work, inner child, inner child work, emotional nourishment, emotional health, emotion, wellness, mental health, self-care, self-care tips, mental health, emotional balance, positive affirmations, healing, emotional health, emotional intelligence, self-compassion, inner peace, self-reflection, mindfulness, self-awareness, self-expression, self-discovery, emotional intimacy, positivity, positive mindset, holistic

Books by Selfwork Co

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