Paradox (noun): a seemingly contradictory statement which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.
- The Paradox of Choice
When the number of choices increases, so does the difficult of making decisions and knowing what is best. More options = more stress and less satisfaction.
Source: Barry Schwart, American Psychologist
2. The Paradox of Change
The more you try to be something you’re not, the more you will stay right where you are. The more you accept yourself as you are, the more likely you are to change.
Source: Arnold Beisser, Psychotherapist
3. The Paradox of Self-Love
The more you can love yourself, the more you are able to love others.
4. The Paradox of Imperfection
Being open and honest about your faults, failures and imperfections makes you more likeable and attractive.
5. The Paradox of Knowledge
The more you know, the more you realise that you don’t know. The more you learn, the less certain you become.
6. The Paradox of Grief
Experiencing loss and suffering is what makes us fully aware and alive to the love, beauty and goodness that surrounds us. The more bravely we allow ourselves to experience grief, the sooner we heal.