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Free shipping worldwide | Sale Alert! 50% off on The Complete Collection  Shop now  |  Buy 2 or more printed books for 25% off  Shop now   |
Life lessons

A list of lovely human qualities 

  1. Minding one’s own business
  2. Being 0% passive aggressive
  3. Really listening when someone is talking
  4. Being funny without being hurtful
  5. Not needing to immediately defend or explain
  6. Being emotionally available
  7. Getting excited about small pleasures
  8. Being open to opposing views
  9. Making ‘no’ easy for others to say
  10. Not considering oneself above anyone
  11. Not considering oneself below anyone
  12. Keeping promises
  13. Making an effort to understand others
  14. Being reasonably detached from what others do or fail to do
  15. Being a good and honest communicator
  16. No mind games or manipulation
  17. Staying kind in the hard times
  18. Being a thoughtful gift-giver
  19. Not easily engaging in gossip
  20. Appreciating simple efforts
  21. Paying attention to one’s self-talk + how we speak to others
  22. Using respectful & loving words
  23. Making people feel safe
  24. Staying calm during conflict
  25. Knowing when to shut up
  26. Working on one’s own issues & patterns
  27. Being self-aware
  28. Allowing people to just be

Books by Selfwork Co

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