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Gut feelings and where they really come from

You know that thing you feel deep in your gut? The feelings that you can’t pin down or explain in words. We often think of them as hunches, intuitions or feelings coming straight from the heart. They don’t seem logical or backed by facts, but “feel” true. 

Here’s what’s fascinating:

  • These gut feelings or feelings from the heart are actually coming from an area of our brain called the “limbic brain”. It is also called the emotional brain or primal brain and is responsible for all our feelings – it is the part that feels depth, passion and instinct.
  • The reason we find it so hard to put these feelings into words is because our limbic brain has no capacity for language. 

However, our limbic brain often knows just what’s right for us. This is why some of the best leaders are big on “trusting their gut” or “following their heart”.

  • On the flip side, the limbic brain can tend to be quite impulsive and irrational. This is why it is also important to also check in with the logical part of our brain called the neocortex.
  • According to studies, women have increased blood flow in the limbic region of their brain which explains why they are often thought of as strongly driven by emotions or strong on empathy and intuition. 

So the next time you experience that inexplicable gut or heart feeling, know that it is all still coming from your brain!

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