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Questions to deepen friendships


  1. What does your heart really want?
  2. How do you see yourself/ your business/ your relationship/ your health 2 years from now?
  3. How do you hope other people describe you?
  4. What’s most important to you? What are some of our core beliefs/ common values?
  5. What’s on your basket/ bucket list?
  6. What is one thing I can do to support you with your goal?


  1. What was your childhood like? What one thing you value you learned from your mother/father?
  2. What is something about your parents you never want to become?
  3. What is something about you right now that’s the same as when you were a child?
  4. What shaped your worldviews?
  5. Which part of you feels hardest to love?
  6. What is ONE perspective that changed the way you look at everything?


  1. Are you hungry? Want to go to that place you were telling me about?
  2. What’s your favorite thing to do together?
  3. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?
  4. How do you best like to communicate? (Phone/ text/ email/ one-on-one )
  5. Can I help with cleaning up?
  6. What is something you feel judged by me for? How can I show up for you better?


  1. What is something you worry about a lot?
  2. Is there anything that’s been hard for you lately? What can I do to help?
  3. Do you want to talk about it?
  4. Can I hold your hand/ give you a hug?
  5. Are there any boundaries that you need to set/ need me to accept?
  6. Do you want me to listen or share my own perspective on this?
  7. Can we solve this together?

Keywords: friendships, relationships, communication, emotional manipulation, inner work, inner child, inner child work, emotional nourishment, emotional health, emotion, wellness, mental health, self-care, self-care tips, mental health, emotional balance, positive affirmations, healing, emotional health, emotional intelligence, self-compassion, inner peace, self-reflection, mindfulness, self-awareness, self-expression, self-discovery, emotional intimacy, positivity, positive mindset, holistic

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