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Questions to know yourself better

Dive into the depths of your personality. Reflect on these questions to help you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, beliefs, passions, fears and dreams.

Desires, Goals and Values

  • What does my heart really want?
  • What do I want my life/ my relationship/ my career/ my health to look like 2 years from now?
  • What are some of my core beliefs and values?
  • How do I hope other people describe me?
  • What’s on my bucket list?
  • What is one quality I want to cultivate in me?
  • What is one thing I can do every day to be closer to my goals and dreams?
  • If I wasn’t worried about people’s perception of me, what would I do, say or be?


  • What is one thing I value that I learned from my parents/ family?
  • What is something about my parents I never want to become?
  • Which part of me feels hardest to love?
  • What are some limiting beliefs ingrained in me?
  • What are some of my most painful life experiences?
  • What did they teach me about myself/ how did I grow from each one of them?
  • How am I different now from the person I was 5 years ago? What’s better than it was?


  • What are some of my particular patterns in relationships?
  • What kind of relationships were modeled to me as a child? Do I tend to recreate them?
  • How do I like to be loved and cared for?
  • How do I apologize to my family/ friends?
  • What are 3 qualities I look for in a partner?
  • What are 3 things I want to be for my partner?
  • What situations feel heavy because of me?
  • In what ways am I easy to get along with?
  • What are some of my difficult behaviors?

Mental Health and Self-Care

  • What is something I worry about a lot?
  • What is one reason I know I can handle it?
  • Who makes me feel safe?
  • What are some of my favorite feel-good songs/movies/books?
  • How do I like to be comforted when I am sad or upset?
  • What’s one sentence/affirmation I can create/ repeat to make me feel empowered?
  • What do I need less of in my life right now?
  • What do I need more of in my life right now?

Books by Selfwork Co

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