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What is the shadow self?

The term “Shadow Self” is used to describe the unconscious parts of us that feel difficult to confront or acknowledge. These could be thoughts, negative emotions, insecurities, desires or traits in us that we think may be unacceptable or undesirable.

What is shadow work:

Shadow work is the practice of self-exploration and self-acceptance.

It involves becoming aware of the unconscious parts of our personality + confronting our fears, patterns, negative emotions and past wounds + working to heal and accept them.

Shadow work often involves journalling, meditation, therapy or creative expression. 

Why doing the work matters:

  1. When we acknowledge and accept our “shadow”, we experience emotional freedom + can lead more authentic lives
  2. By exploring our shadow, we uncover the root causes of our pain + can begin to heal them
  3. Connecting with ourselves deeply leads to increased self-esteem, self-compassion, and the ability to form healthier relationships with ourselves and others.

Questions and journaling prompts for shadow work:

  1. What are my biggest fears and how do they hold me back?
  2. What parts of myself do I judge, dislike or criticize the most?
  3. What are some of the most difficult or painful experiences from my childhood?
  4. How could these experiences be affecting my present/ present relationships?
  5. What are some family patterns that I may be repeating?
  6. What is something that makes me strongly react?
  7. What is something I need to forgive myself for?

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